Monthly Archives: August 2011

It’s all about you!

Today you’re reading my twenty-first blog post.  Yahoo!  Thank you so much for reading.  I’m having a blast writing these tips and love the comments that you leave.

The subjects that I’ve covered so far have come from clients and participants in my workshops.  Some subjects I have just “guessed” that you might like to have tips on.

This blog isn’t about me, it’s about you and what you need to achieve what you want.

So here are some questions for you (to help me share tips on what is important to you).  Help me out!!  Answer any… Continue reading

Help wanted!

I heard a tip from someone the other day.  Hire slow and fire fast!  My experience has been that many managers hire fast and are pretty slow to fire.  

When you’re short staffed there’s a lot of pressure to get another body in to help.  What can happen, you hire someone who is not a fit, either they don’t have the skills or experience to do the job, or they don’t work well with other staff members.  Either way, that new hire ends up costing you time, money and patience!

Here’s some tips about hiring the right person.… Continue reading

“I can do this better myself!”

I know you can, so can I.

“It’s faster if I just take care of it!” 

Yes it is, in the short term. 

With each new job or assignment I tend to keep some of those duties that I’m really good at, that I can do better and faster than others.  What I notice is I have more and more to do and less time to do it – old tasks and new tasks.

Hanging on to familiar tasks is natural, it’s about staying in the comfort zone.  It also reinforces that I’m good at something – I seem to… Continue reading

Problem with my post feed!

Dear subscribers to my blog!

Thank you for subscribing.  For some reason today's blog did not get sent out over the internet to your mail box.  Please consider looking at my website so you won't miss today's tips on getting that next promotion!

I'm sorry for any inconvenience that this might have caused!


I work with a lot of people who are ready to move ahead with their careers.  They want the promotion and the next position that’s come open.  They come to me wondering why they’ve gotten passed by, disappointed, frustrated or downright angry they aren’t sitting in a new seat.

Here’s what I’ve learned from my clients.  You may not need any of these tips at all.

Tip 1:  Tell your supervisor.  Think about what position you’d like to have.  Write down your career goals.  Sit with your supervisor and be specific about what… Continue reading