New Markets
You may have reached a point where you have explored all the possibilities of your current market or, in the case of the individual, your current employer. So it may be time to go boldly where you have not gone before and examine new markets or employers. Here are some tips to help you explore.
Tip 1: Volunteer. A great way to meet people with different backgrounds and careers. The possibilities are endless. Volunteering can be within your current industry or in your local community. Ask around and see where you can get… Continue reading
Your Market
There are several ways to grow your self and your business. I’ve seen both individuals and businesses exploring new markets (or companies) outside of where they are currently operating. Oftentimes, the business has yet to saturate the market they are currently in or, in the case of the individual, they are not exploring opportunities that reside within their current company. Before developing a completely new market, consider the following tips to continue on your business development journey.
Tip 1: Current products/services. Unless you’ve been in the market a long time, most likely there are those… Continue reading
Development – External
External development is just as important as internal development for both the individual and a business – to ensure career growth and business growth. Here are some tips for individuals and for businesses.
Tip 1: Within – You can build your career inside your current organization. Play with the following:
- Make your career aspirations known to your supervisor and others who will listen.
- Take on projects that are out of your comfort zone and will allow you to work with others you may not interact with.
- Keep your relationships with fellow employees friendly and professional, you… Continue reading
Shiny Pennies
Following is a blog worth repeating – especially interesting as we come to the end of January and we’ve been talking about setting goals and getting things done all month. Hope this helps keep you moving forward with what you want to achieve!
Some days I can spend my whole day picking up shiny… Continue reading
Make a Difference
How do you plan on making a difference in 2013? The concept may sound huge – how can one person make a difference? I’m reminded over and over, it’s the little things that can make a profound difference in other people’s lives. Here are some tips as you go through your day. You may never know the effect you have on others.
Tip 1: Smile. So many people are caught up in their own world, racing to get things done, pressure to perform, stress of the looming to dos. Smiling at, and with,… Continue reading
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