A friend asked me the other day – when do you admit defeat and refocus vs. when do you keep driving and going forward? How do you know? Here are some thoughts.
Thought 1: You don’t have to do something forever – jobs, careers, businesses, relationships can run their course and can cease to make sense or be relevant. Another way to think of quitting is… trading up, shifting, focusing, clarifying, changing course, bringing to a conclusion, phasing out, moving on, putting it to rest, stopping, retiring. Insert any one of these phrases for quitting… Continue reading
Players vs. Pretenders
I recently read an interesting article from the John Maxwell Company that offered some great tips on identifying who your players on your team are versus who are the pretenders. Pretenders look the part and talk the part, but fall short in fulfilling the part. They can disrupt your entire team. Pretenders put their personal agenda before the team.
Check out these tips to distinguish between the two.
1. Players have a servant’s mindset; pretenders have a selfish mindset. Players do things for the benefit of others and the organization, while pretenders think only… Continue reading
Does the very word scare you or energize you? Do you run a small business and the competition is a bigger business? Are you in an organization and competing for the next promotion? Is competition a threat or a motivator? Here are some thoughts about competition.
Thought one: Limit your focus. I’ve seen businesses and people fail because they are too focused and too concerned about their competition. It’s great to know what others are doing in the market place or at work. Use this information as a way to… Continue reading
Swot isn’t just the sound when going after a fly (that sound is actually spelled swat). A SWOT analysis is a helpful tool to assess your organization, department or even you as an individual. It’s a good exercise to start the planning process for the short term or long term. Go through the following exercise for your business or yourself – you might be surprised what you come up with.
Instructions: prepare the following analysis. You may want to discuss this with others on your team. Once you identify five areas under each… Continue reading
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