
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals who are starting their own business, have a part time business they want to take full time or business owners wanting to take their business to the next level.


I work with many people who want to get ahead in their careers and move their businesses forward.  Individuals and businesses need to promote and sell themselves!  While businesses seem to know that they must sell their products and services, individuals don’t always understand that they are in the business of selling themselves.  To get ahead, make a profit, sell your products, you’ve got to get your message out to the right audience.  Here are some ideas on doing just that.

Idea 1:  ID your audience.  For businesses:  Who is buying your product… Continue reading


Over the last 20 years I’ve traveled a lot for business.  I’ve also had the good fortune to travel for pleasure.  I’ve always looked at travel as a good test of how a person handles life in general.  Plans get changed, the unexpected happens, you’re not always in control of circumstances – how you deal with these illustrates so much.  Travel has taught me some great lessons.

Lesson 1:  Plans change.  No matter how well you plan, adjustments always need to be made.  It could be the weather isn’t cooperating, connections aren’t… Continue reading


Most organizations experience change.  Sometimes the change is gradual and hardly noticeable until you think back to how things were a year or two before.  Other change is conscious and has a distinctive timeframe – where the old way ceases to be and the new way becomes the norm.  The challenge comes when you’d like the entire organization to embrace and accept the change.  Here are some tips to meet that challenge.

Tip 1:  Early.  Remember if you’ve initiated the change, you’ve got to give your staff time to catch up.  You may… Continue reading


I was talking with a client the other day.  We got into an interesting discussion regarding authority figures and how nervous she became around those in positions of power.  She had recently met a woman in a boutique while shopping.  They chatted easily.  When she found out the woman was an Executive Vice President of a large company she became tongue tied and ended the conversation rather quickly.

The subject came up because my client was interested in talking to the EVP about career opportunities.  She was wondering if she should contact her new… Continue reading

What’s best?

Figuring out the most effective form of communication can be challenging.  There are so many ways we can communicate these days.  Not only are there the old fashioned ways – face to face, phone, email.  There is also texting.  Add to that all the social networks which are forms of communication.  Following is what I use and how I use each method.  I know I don’t take advantage of everything that’s out there and frankly I’ve chosen to stop with what I use right now.

Face to face:  Best form to strengthen relationships.… Continue reading