
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals who are starting their own business, have a part time business they want to take full time or business owners wanting to take their business to the next level.

Self Motivation

Every so often motivation wanes.  It happens for many reasons.  I might be bored with what I’m doing, I’ve mastered something and the excitement has worn off, perhaps I don’t have anything urgent going on and can’t seem to get started.  The following tips help me start moving forward again.

Tip 1:  List.  I put together a “to-do” list in order of priority.  There always seems to be things that need to get done.  I don’t think about what I have to do, I just start with the first item on the… Continue reading

Tip into confidence some more!

Did you try any of the tips from the last blog?  What worked for you?  I’ve got some more tips for you to check out.  I’ll pick it up where I left off.

Tip 6:  What’s the worst that can happen?  Think about it – what’s the very worst that can happen?  Take a piece of paper and make three columns.  In the middle column list all the stuff that you’ve thought about – every single one.  When you’re done with that go to the top of the list and in the… Continue reading

Tip into confidence

Confidence comes from inside.  It hangs out between your ears.  That’s the great news – you can learn to have it, increase it and friend your confidence whenever you need to.  Here are some tips for you.

Tip 1:  You’re not alone.  If you’re feeling scared or uncomfortable in a situation, so are others.  You don’t have an “exclusive” on feeling the way you do.  Think about first learning to drive – how uncomfortable that was, it was for everyone.  Awareness doesn’t take away your feelings, it just puts you on notice… Continue reading

Will I meet my goals?

Do you ever ask yourself that?  I can’t answer that question for you.  I can offer some tips about goals that may help you in this quest.

Tip 1:  Whose goal is it?  The more you can internalize goals that are set for you through your organization, the more likely you’ll meet them.  When you don’t believe in the goal, whether it’s not something you want to do or you don’t see the value in it, you’ve given up before you’ve started and you will fail or fall short.  As with so many things,… Continue reading


Recently a client was exploring ways to have people see the value of her services.  We came up with some ideas for conveying value.  These can be applied to products and services of a solo entrepreneur and an organization that is much bigger.  See what you can use in your own company.

Idea 1:  It starts with you.  When you and your employees understand and believe in the value of your products and services this will naturally come out when talking to potential customers.  Is everyone excited about what you offer?  Enthusiasm goes… Continue reading