
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.

Hodge Podge

You may have seen this blog last October – it bears repeating!!  Today’s blog has a few questions for you — I’m asking for your assistance.  Most importantly – THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG!  You may be one of many subscribers or see the blog on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.  I’m thrilled when someone comments directly or through one of the social media avenues.  I love when you take the time to re-tweet the message.  It encourages me to keep writing.  THANK YOU!

Hodge 1:  Calling for guest bloggers!  If… Continue reading

Lessons from a champion!

I just returned from the 2013 Open Championship and I’m making this my repeat once again.  Phil Mickelson won the 2013 tournament.  A hard fought tournament with lots of competition.  I hope you’ll enjoy this post once again this year.

I attended the Open Championship in July 2011 (the British golf tournament).  The winner was a forty-two year old man from Northern Ireland, Darren Clarke.  If you saw him on the street, or in a pub, you may not have picked him to be an elite athlete.  He had planned to start a weight… Continue reading

Play your own game!

PlayyourowngameI had the opportunity to attend a five day golf camp at the end of May.  I learned many things during the instruction time.  One major lesson that I learned was to play your own game.  It’s an analogy that can be applied to your career as well.  Following are some thoughts:

Thought 1:  What others are doing.  When you play golf it’s easy to watch those who you are playing with and try to emulate their strokes, whether you have the same skill or not.  What happens more times than I’d like,… Continue reading


relatednessRelatedness involves deciding whether others are “in” or “out” of a social group.  People are divided into friend or foe.  Relatedness is a driver of behavior in many types of teams, from sports teams to organizational silos; people naturally like to form “tribes” where they experience a sense of belonging.

If relatedness is your biggest driver, you find it easy to remember things about other people.  You make the effort socially and don’t understand when others don’t.  You find it easy to connect with others and like doing things that make others feel important and special.… Continue reading


autonomyAnother driver of human behavior is autonomy.  Those who are driven by autonomy like to feel they are in control and in charge.  Generally they don’t like to be told what to do or how to do it.  If you’ve ever been micromanaged, you’ve experienced reduced autonomy.

Leaders who want to support their employees’ need for autonomy must give them the freedom to make choices, especially when they are part of a team or working with a supervisor.  Presenting people with options, or allowing them to organize their own work and set their own hours, creates… Continue reading