
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.

Are we there yet?

It seems that many articles and books are only about the future and don’t talk about right now.  They discuss setting goals, what we’re going to do, and day dream about what life will be when we’ve got IT – whatever your IT is.  It’s so easy to fall into the habit of living in what life “will be like” that it’s hard to see what life actually is.

I challenge you to take some time and write down what your life is like because YOU ARE THERE NOW – yes indeed.  Here’s what I came up… Continue reading

It’s YOU!

This blog is for leaders who have a high turnover of employees in their organizations.  The high turnover may be in a specific department, division, or operational area.  Drilling down, the turnover is associated with one manager or supervisor.

You may find this advice uncomfortable – take that as a good sign, things are going to change – and change comes with a certain amount of discomfort.

Advice #1:  Review your organization.  For each manager or supervisor of people, calculate the turnover rate for the last two years.  Do this for every level of management.… Continue reading

Help wanted!

To date, this has been my most popular blog – originally posted in August of 2011.  I’m re-running it in case you missed it.  Great tips for hiring managers in addition to those seeking a new job.  Let me know what you think!

I heard a tip from someone the other day.  Hire slow and fire fast!  My experience has been that many managers hire fast and are pretty slow to fire.

When you’re short staffed there’s a lot of pressure to get another body in to help.  What can happen, you hire someone… Continue reading


A friend asked me the other day – when do you admit defeat and refocus vs. when do you keep driving and going forward?  How do you know?  Here are some thoughts.

Thought 1:  You don’t have to do something forever – jobs, careers, businesses, relationships can run their course and can cease to make sense or be relevant.  Another way to think of quitting is… trading up, shifting, focusing, clarifying, changing course, bringing to a conclusion, phasing out, moving on, putting it to rest, stopping, retiring.  Insert any one of these phrases for quitting… Continue reading

Players vs. Pretenders

I recently read an interesting article from the John Maxwell Company that offered some great tips on identifying who your players on your team are versus who are the pretenders.  Pretenders look the part and talk the part, but fall short in fulfilling the part.  They can disrupt your entire team.  Pretenders put their personal agenda before the team.

Check out these tips to distinguish between the two.

1.  Players have a servant’s mindset; pretenders have a selfish mindset.  Players do things for the benefit of others and the organization, while pretenders think only… Continue reading