
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.

Being Present

There is one tip that I can give you which will help you achieve the strongest relationships.  Be fully present when communicating with someone – in person, on the phone, texting, email or Skype.  Give that person your full and undivided attention during your communication.  You might think you already do that or that you can “multi-task” during your conversation.  Following are some thoughts on being fully present.

Thought 1:  You can’t “multi-task”.  The other person can always tell that you’re doing something in addition to talking – whether it is in person… Continue reading


I’m always looking for ways to simplify my life.  Simplifying to me means less stress and a life that flows from one thing to the next.  It also means getting my work done without pressure.  I’ve made great progress from where I started.  It’s a constant work in progress.   Here’s some tips that have worked for me.

Tip 1:  Unclutter your life.  I started at work and at home.  I found it was like peeling an onion – some tears, some fumes, layer after layer.  It seemed overwhelming so I… Continue reading


Over time it’s easy to allow people to behave in a way that you don’t like.  It could start off innocently enough, telling an off color joke or having someone dump their troubles on you.  Perhaps it only happens once in a while.  When the behavior becomes more frequent and you are uncomfortable or the situation becomes unpleasant, it’s time to set a new boundary.  For many of my clients, setting boundaries doesn’t come easily.  Following are some steps that should help the process.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” … Continue reading


Successful people have energy.  They’ve found the key to increasing their energy levels and are able to sustain them even during difficult times.  Have you ever met someone who is wonderfully successful and has low energy?  Increasing your energy starts with eliminating those areas of your life that are energy drains.  Following are some tips on where those energy drains might be hiding and some ideas on how to eliminate them.

Drain 1:  Tolerations.  These may be small things that you’re putting up with such as those tasks you constantly say to yourself “I… Continue reading

Lessons from a champion!

Today the Open Championship begins again.  Tough conditions and it’s anyone’s guess who will be the champion this year.  In honor of the tournament I’m re-running my post from last year – I hope you enjoy it!

I attended the Open Championship in July 2011 (the British golf tournament).  The winner was a forty-two year old man from Northern Ireland, Darren Clarke.  If you saw him on the street, or in a pub, you may not have picked him to be an elite athlete.  He had planned to start a weight watchers program right after… Continue reading