
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.


Profit is simply the surplus of something after taking out the cost.  Classically profit is defined through numbers or more specifically money.  You can also apply the concept to many areas of your life.  It can help with the choices you make.  Here are some areas where you might want to consider the profit involved.

Relationships:  Profitable relationships have some benefit to them.  The cost to you is the time, energy and emotion you put into the relationship.  The profit are the positives that come from that relationship which range from great memories… Continue reading


I work with many people who want to get ahead in their careers and move their businesses forward.  Individuals and businesses need to promote and sell themselves!  While businesses seem to know that they must sell their products and services, individuals don’t always understand that they are in the business of selling themselves.  To get ahead, make a profit, sell your products, you’ve got to get your message out to the right audience.  Here are some ideas on doing just that.

Idea 1:  ID your audience.  For businesses:  Who is buying your product… Continue reading

Full Up!

What’s your life filled with?  My life is filled up with so many things, people and places.  What I’ve realized is something you already know – busy can be a way of life.  When was the last time you didn’t have anything to do?  Our lives fill up with stuff, to dos, projects, priorities, dry cleaning, errands, the list goes on and on.

Going though life unconsciously and allowing ourselves to be pulled here and there can lead to emptiness and no sense of accomplishment.  It’s similar to sitting down with a bag of potato… Continue reading


Over the last 20 years I’ve traveled a lot for business.  I’ve also had the good fortune to travel for pleasure.  I’ve always looked at travel as a good test of how a person handles life in general.  Plans get changed, the unexpected happens, you’re not always in control of circumstances – how you deal with these illustrates so much.  Travel has taught me some great lessons.

Lesson 1:  Plans change.  No matter how well you plan, adjustments always need to be made.  It could be the weather isn’t cooperating, connections aren’t… Continue reading


I was talking with a client the other day.  We got into an interesting discussion regarding authority figures and how nervous she became around those in positions of power.  She had recently met a woman in a boutique while shopping.  They chatted easily.  When she found out the woman was an Executive Vice President of a large company she became tongue tied and ended the conversation rather quickly.

The subject came up because my client was interested in talking to the EVP about career opportunities.  She was wondering if she should contact her new… Continue reading