Public speaking!
Those two words, when put together, can strike fear into many people. Early in my career I was asked to give a speech at a conference. The thought of giving the talk made my heart pound, palms sweat and had me envision getting sick rather than stand up in front of people. I went ahead and gave the speech, not my best, but I did get through it.
Since that first speech I’ve given hundreds more. Now I enjoy the process and look for any opportunity I can to speak in front of a crowd. … Continue reading
Will I meet my goals?
Do you ever ask yourself that? I can’t answer that question for you. I can offer some tips about goals that may help you in this quest.
Tip 1: Whose goal is it? The more you can internalize goals that are set for you through your organization, the more likely you’ll meet them. When you don’t believe in the goal, whether it’s not something you want to do or you don’t see the value in it, you’ve given up before you’ve started and you will fail or fall short. As with so many things,… Continue reading
Recently my husband and I added a third floor to our home. We moved everything we needed for five months down to the first floor. We slept in our living room on a mattress. I had a clothes rack hanging in the room with other necessities squirreled away in plastic bins and boxes.
Various people were in and out every day – plumbers, electricians, carpenters and painters. At one point it started to rain in the kitchen, due to a leaky toilet unrelated to the construction. At other points we showered at a local health… Continue reading
The ability to build and leverage a network of relationships is the best predictor of leadership success, according to a recent article in Fast Company. Relationship building is one of those skills that isn’t taught in schools or part of training people receive when they become managers.
Many of you were tapped for leadership positions because of your strong individual skills and knowledge. Making the transition from individual contributor to group leader begins with helping others achieve their goals. There needs to be a shift in thinking. Here are some tips to help you get started.… Continue reading
I recently asked a group of corporate professionals what their biggest challenge is at their workplace. There were many answers. One of the answers jumped out at me. This individual wanted to be taken seriously as a leader in their organization.
To be taken seriously as a leader in your organization, you must consistently show your leadership skills on a regular basis. There are plenty of opportunities to show off these skills. Following are some must have skills to be taken seriously as a leader.
Skill 1: Integrity. This is more than being… Continue reading
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