
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.


There are things in life you can control and a whole lot more you can’t.  It’s always a mystery to me how people get so frustrated trying to control things that aren’t in their control and will never be.  Lots of hours and energy could be redirected onto areas that they do have control over.

Here are some tips to think about.

Tip 1:  Is it important to you?  Put the situation into perspective, not everything has equal importance.  Perhaps you want to be part of a project – is it because your colleague is… Continue reading

Assertive vs. Aggressive

There are many definitions for assertive and aggressive behavior in the workplace.  The definition that works for me is:

To be assertive, you are confident and direct in putting forward your views.  To be aggressive, you are trying to control someone else.  Aggression is a form of intimidation.

I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review that points out leaders need to work on being assertive.  “More harm is done when people aren’t assertive enough than by being too assertive.”  Keeping your opinions and ideas hidden doesn’t get you anywhere.

Couple your leadership… Continue reading


Recently I got feedback during my workshop called “Advancing Women in Business”.  The biggest fears/challenges were: being stagnant, not moving up, not learning new things, not knowing where I want to go or what I want to do, and not being given the opportunity to advance.

It’s easy to fall into these thoughts, especially when you’ve worked for the same employer for a long time.  Here are some tips that might help if you’re saying any of those phrases.

Tip 1:  Being stagnant – The good news is it is up to you – no one… Continue reading

Anchors Away! (Part 2 of 2)

Last week I wrote about one of two clients who shared a similar experience – letting go of an anchor that was keeping them tied down.  The result has surprised them both.  Anchors in our lives can keep us grounded and can provide a sense of permanence.  Anchors can also weigh us down and hold us back.

Here’s what happened:

Anchor 2.  Marsha developed a friendship with her manicurist, Sally.  During her monthly manicure they would talk and have a good time.  Soon they were sharing personal information as friends often do.  The… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 6

This is sixth in a series of blogs for those who want to start their own business.  By now you’re committed, you know what your financial situation is, you’ve started your savings cushion, you’ve proven that your business is feasible and you’ve got an idea on how you will spend your time.  Congratulations!

Step 7:  Answer these questions:  Do you have organization systems set in place to support you?  Have you thought about keeping things rolling?  Do you have automatic systems and a rhythm to ensure you’re not going to have an avalanche of… Continue reading