
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.

Searching for the Noun?

When you’re working it’s common to define your self as what you do.  At a social gathering or networking event you are a [fill in the blank] lawyer, doctor, CEO, manager, etc.

What happens when that goes away?  You may be out of a job, retiring, changing careers or have decided to stay home with your young family.  There may be times where your definition of self is not as clear as it used to be.

Tip one:  Embrace the loss.  There is a sense of loss when your identity is in transition and you’re… Continue reading

Say it, believe it, become it!

I’ve attended, listened to and read all kinds of self development and motivational seminars, tapes and books.  Almost every one has something about self talk.  What we say to ourselves is what we believe and what we will become – or what we are.  Easy concept!

Taking an easy concept like self talk and using it to personal advantage can be difficult.  The reason is our thoughts are routed in habits.  Most of my behavior is routed in habits.  Habits are great – they save so much time and energy.  Habits can also… Continue reading

What makes a great supervisor? – Part 2

I hope you had a chance to read part 1 from last week.  There are more things you can do to be a great supervisor.  If you gave your employees a score card – how would they rate you?

Rule #8. Always show appreciation for your employees’ efforts- every employee wants to feel that they are valued and appreciated.  For example, an encouraging word to a low performing employee will often do more to improve things than constant criticism for poor performance.  Research has shown that a four-to-one ratio of compliments to criticism produces the best… Continue reading

What makes a great supervisor? – Part 1

Great supervisors follow the same rules when working with their employees.  How many of these rules do you follow?  How many of these rules does your supervisor follow?  If you gave your employees a score card – how would they rate you?

Rule #1. Treat all your employees fairly
– that means workload, expectations and treatment.  What you’re willing to do for one, you must be willing to do for all.

Sub-tip:  Do not play favorites or develop special friendships with anyone you supervise – that will undermine your authority and open you up to… Continue reading

Challenging Styles?

If you are working with someone who has the same style and the same priorities you do, your communication will be clear and flawless.  This doesn’t happen very often in my work life.  I’ve got some tips I’ve been using that seem to work well.

Take a moment.  When someone is using a completely different style of communication I can emotionally react to that style.  I might get offended with someone being aggressive or impatient with someone else who is taking a long time to get to the point.  Rather than react to their behavior, it’s more productive if… Continue reading