
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting more from their careers or to take your career to the next level.

De-stress Your Workspace!

Do you work well in a high-stress environment?  I don’t.  I’m the most productive when I’m in a relaxed environment.  It’s important to me to have a stress free workspace.  Here are some tips you might want to put in place for your workspace.

When considering changes to your workspace, here’s rule #1:  If it feels right to you, it is right.  That rule is primary; the following specific suggestions are secondary. 


1. Make your workspace look attractive to you.  Remember that where you work, you also live.  Given the amount of time you’ll be living in… Continue reading

Negotiation – an easier way!

The last blog talked about some barriers that we can bring to negotiation.  It’s important to bring the right attitude to the table.

Now that you are in the right mind set here are some factors for successful negotiating.

1. Know what you want:  The clearer you are on your interests and goals, the better your chance of success.

2. Know the other side:  Learn as much as you can about the people with whom you are going to be negotiating.  Know their negotiating style, their backgrounds, hopes, fears, aspirations, and their interests.  Little things do not mean… Continue reading

Negotiation – a dirty word?

Just the word – negotiation – can bring up that nervous feeling.  The next couple of blogs will give you some tips that might settle those feelings.

Let’s look at why you might be nervous when it comes to negotiation.

1. Confrontation.  Some people think negotiation is an argument.  It doesn’t have to be confrontational.  In fact, effective negotiation is characterized by the parties working together to find a solution, rather than each party trying to WIN the contest of wills.

Keep in mind an attitude of cooperation, that will set the tone for the interaction.

2. Win at… Continue reading


I’m finding that as I age I’m getting more particular.  In other words, things bug me more than they have – or perhaps I notice them more. Let me just put it out there and see what you think.

Gripe 1: Gum chewing!  I remember in second grade I was sent to the principal’s office for chewing gum.  It was a traumatic experience for me.  Whenever I encounter someone chewing gum I seem to get mesmerized by it.  It’s such a distraction.  Think about eating a mint instead.

Gripe 2: Habit language!  Some… Continue reading

Listen Up!

Are you a great listener?  For some this comes so naturally – for others, we get caught up in our own world and find it difficult to really listen to others.  Time to check in with ourselves!

There are three levels of listening.  

1. Surface listening.  This is when you’re distracted and not really paying attention.  You know that you’re doing this when the person talking to you keeps repeating themselves.  Whether you’re on the phone or in person, talking to someone and checking email, cleaning the kitchen or folding laundry.  You think you’re multi-tasking, you’re actually disrespecting the… Continue reading