
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting to improve their leadership skills.

Anchors Away! (Part 2 of 2)

Last week I wrote about one of two clients who shared a similar experience – letting go of an anchor that was keeping them tied down.  The result has surprised them both.  Anchors in our lives can keep us grounded and can provide a sense of permanence.  Anchors can also weigh us down and hold us back.

Here’s what happened:

Anchor 2.  Marsha developed a friendship with her manicurist, Sally.  During her monthly manicure they would talk and have a good time.  Soon they were sharing personal information as friends often do.  The… Continue reading

Anchors Away (Part 1 of 2)

I’m so inspired by two of my clients.  They each let go of an anchor that was keeping them tied down.  The result has surprised them both.  Neither one had realized that their anchor was holding them back, draining their energy and keeping them from new opportunities.  Here’s what happened:

Anchor 1.  Mary (an assumed name) had been submitting bi-weekly columns to a publication for a number of years.  She enjoyed the notoriety that came with a prestigious publication.  It was the first publication that would accept her work.  She had lots… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 5

This is fifth in a series of blogs for those that want to start their own business.  By now you’re committed, you know what your financial situation is, you’ve started your savings cushion and you’ve proven that your business is feasible.  Congratulations!

Step 6:  When will you be ready to launch your business?

There’s still some additional work you can do before you launch your business.

Tip 1:  Determine when you’ll have your cushion saved up.  Keep track of your savings and how much you’re adding each week and each month.  Reviewing your progress… Continue reading


At the beginning of the year I make all sorts of plans and set all sorts of goals.  When the plans are made I’m enthusiastic about the months ahead.  However, I don’t always take action and it made me wonder why.

People at the top of every profession share one quality – they get things done.  This quality can catapult success and advancement faster than anything else.  This is such a simple idea, however not many people have taken it to heart.  There is an endless number of reasons – something else came up, I’m… Continue reading

Fear of Failure

When I ask my “single greatest questions” – one of which is “What is your single greatest fear regarding your business or career?” many times the answer is “The fear of failure”.

Today the negative news bombarding us every time we turn around can add to our fear.  We hear about all the bad things that can happen to us – and what has happened to others.  It’s easy to understand that playing it safe and not taking risks is a comfortable choice for many.

However, when I see the “fear of failure” as a strong fear for… Continue reading