Performance Appraisals
‘Tis the season to write those year end performance appraisals. I’ve never met anyone who enjoys this task. I’ve also never met anyone who doesn’t want to receive a performance appraisal.
You may have to muddle through this year and do the best you can. I’ve got a process that can make it a breeze for next year.
The process is simple. On a weekly basis require each one of your employees to submit an email regarding their performance for the week. The email format would be as follows:
This week I worked… Continue reading
Gold Star
Are you competitive? Do you always have to be first? When you’re not first, do you think less of yourself? Being competitive is great. It can be a wonderful motivator to strive to do more and to do better.
It’s also fun to let others win and come in first. Some supervisors and managers feel compelled to be better and smarter than their staff members. They think the way to earn their subordinates’ respect is to know more or do better. In reality, respect is earned through actions, not just what you know.… Continue reading
Hold ‘er Newt
I first heard the phrase from my husband. He was raised in Iowa and was surprised that I hadn’t heard it (I’m from North Dakota). “It’s Mom’s way of telling us to hang on for just a minute before taking some (ostensibly) unwise action.”
I tend to forge ahead with decisions and actions. I get impatient at times with people who don’t see my “big picture” and don’t move fast enough for me. My husband will invoke “hold ‘er newt” when he wants to weigh a decision and course of action. Which is the right… Continue reading
One word – Organize!
I’ve heard from a few clients recently “THIS IS THE YEAR I’M GOING TO GET ORGANIZED”. Organized is an appealing word to many and can be hard to implement. “Being”organized starts as any “being-ness” – it is based on habit. Following are some tips to “being” organized.
Disclaimer – only introduce one tip at a time. When you’ve mastered that tip, pick another tip. You don’t have to go in order. Pick the easiest tip to implement or the one that will make the most impact on your life.
Tip 1: One calendar.… Continue reading
Searching for the Noun?
When you’re working it’s common to define your self as what you do. At a social gathering or networking event you are a [fill in the blank] lawyer, doctor, CEO, manager, etc.
What happens when that goes away? You may be out of a job, retiring, changing careers or have decided to stay home with your young family. There may be times where your definition of self is not as clear as it used to be.
Tip one: Embrace the loss. There is a sense of loss when your identity is in transition and you’re… Continue reading
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