
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting to improve their leadership skills.

Negotiation – a dirty word?

Just the word – negotiation – can bring up that nervous feeling.  The next couple of blogs will give you some tips that might settle those feelings.

Let’s look at why you might be nervous when it comes to negotiation.

1. Confrontation.  Some people think negotiation is an argument.  It doesn’t have to be confrontational.  In fact, effective negotiation is characterized by the parties working together to find a solution, rather than each party trying to WIN the contest of wills.

Keep in mind an attitude of cooperation, that will set the tone for the interaction.

2. Win at… Continue reading


I’m finding that as I age I’m getting more particular.  In other words, things bug me more than they have – or perhaps I notice them more. Let me just put it out there and see what you think.

Gripe 1: Gum chewing!  I remember in second grade I was sent to the principal’s office for chewing gum.  It was a traumatic experience for me.  Whenever I encounter someone chewing gum I seem to get mesmerized by it.  It’s such a distraction.  Think about eating a mint instead.

Gripe 2: Habit language!  Some… Continue reading

Listen Up!

Are you a great listener?  For some this comes so naturally – for others, we get caught up in our own world and find it difficult to really listen to others.  Time to check in with ourselves!

There are three levels of listening.  

1. Surface listening.  This is when you’re distracted and not really paying attention.  You know that you’re doing this when the person talking to you keeps repeating themselves.  Whether you’re on the phone or in person, talking to someone and checking email, cleaning the kitchen or folding laundry.  You think you’re multi-tasking, you’re actually disrespecting the… Continue reading


Aren’t Moms the greatest?  I’ve been sending my Mom my blog posts so she can read them.  She just called to tell me that she liked them and she is proud of me!  Wow, it reminded me how important recognition is.  Especially from people who you love!

Recognition is consistent with appreciation.  How do you recognize people in the proper way?

Tip 1:  Consider who you recognize.  Public recognition can send some people into elation and some into hiding.  Remember to understand the person you are recognizing – if they are… Continue reading

Invest in Yourself!

New Circles start November 3

Space is limited – sign up now

What’s a circle?

A circle is a group of people facing the same challenges as you.  You have direct input from an executive coach in addition to getting ideas from others who also want to strengthen their skills.

A circle is only for those who want to learn and will participate – is that you?

Do you need one?

Only if you have some challenges that you'd like some help with.  New circles will start each month – reserve your spot today, there is limited space!  Click… Continue reading