
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals wanting to improve their leadership skills.

Busy, Busy, Busy

When you call someone do you ask if they are busy?  When someone calls and asks that question, how do you answer?

Being busy, for most, is a way of life.  In fact, many people can’t imagine not being busy.  I’ve even heard some people argue with each other about who is busier – it’s like a badge of honor.  You win the gold prize if you are busier than every one around. 

I once asked a co-worker what would happen if her to-do list was all done.  She said that she wouldn’t know who she was if that happened.… Continue reading


I was at the driving range the other day and I saw a little girl about 7 years old with her dad.  She was hitting the ball sometimes and trading off with her dad.  It looked like they were having a lot of fun.  

Soon her mom joined them.  Mom and Dad started talking.  Pretty soon the girl was loudly demanding that both watch her.  Mom and Dad would say in unison, “we’re watching”, and return to their conversation.  Even though the little girl’s back was to her parents, she could sense that they weren’t watching.

Children aren’t afraid… Continue reading

Tip into Confidence Some More

Did you try any of the tips from last post?  What worked for you?  I’ve got some more tips for you to check out.  I’ll pick it up where I left off.  

Tip 6:  What’s the worst that can happen?  Think about it – what’s the very worst that can happen?  Take a piece of paper and make three columns.  In the middle column list all the stuff that you’ve thought about – every single one.  When you’re done with that go to the top of the list and in the first column write down what you can… Continue reading

Tip into Confidence

Confidence comes from inside.  It hangs out between your ears.  That’s the great news – you can learn to have it, increase it and "friend" your confidence whenever you need to.  Here are some tips for you. 

Tip 1:  You’re not alone.  If you’re feeling scared or uncomfortable in a situation, so are others.  You don’t have an “exclusive” on feeling the way you do.  Think about first learning to drive – how uncomfortable that was, it was for everyone.  Awareness doesn’t take away your feelings, it just puts you on notice that you aren’t alone – millions of… Continue reading

Need More Confidence?

Have you ever wanted to have more confidence or come across more confidently?  But you don’t want to be arrogant or cocky.

First – you will not come across arrogant or cocky.  Believe me, if you’re even concerned about that, you’re already hard wired that you won’t.  Arrogant people aren’t concerned about coming across arrogantly – it’s a habit they’ve developed over time and they don’t even realize they are doing it.  Sometimes arrogant people purposefully behave that way to make up for their own insecurities. Continue reading