Star Performance!
Great leaders have developed the habits of star performance. These work habits support high productivity and quality of work. High productivity is not a mystery; it simply requires a commitment and the tools, training and resources to make it happen, naturally. Check out these habits that you may have already embraced.
Habit 1: 100% current, no “inventory” of unfinished tasks. It’s a matter of taking on those tasks and projects that you know you can actually finish. Realistically assess what is reasonable to accomplish. When you take on too much, you’re perceived as… Continue reading
June is devoted to being great at work – developing into a great leader. Step one to being a great leader starts with being a wonderful employee. Leaders model and inspire others with their actions. Remember, every day you’re being interviewed by those around you. How you act is a clear indication of the qualities you will display as a future leader. Start now by patterning behavior that will serve you and those around you. It’s easy to be a star employee, here are some reminders to get you started.
Reminder 1: You… Continue reading
I’ve been writing this blog since June of 2011. I’ve posted the blog twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursdays each week without fail. Some blogs I’ve repeated, certainly some information has been repeated in different ways. The purpose of my blog is to share tips that will make your work life and home life a little easier. My ideas come from you, my readers, my clients and/or my everyday life.
June will be devoted to tips on being your best – employee, supervisor, manager and leader. This blog is for you to learn from… Continue reading
Busy, Busy, Busy
This post originally ran in July 2011. Heading into the summer I thought you might find it useful.
When you call someone do you ask if they are busy? When someone calls and asks that question, how do you answer?
Being busy, for most, is a way of life. In fact, many people can’t imagine not being busy. I’ve even heard some people argue with each other about who is busier – it’s like a badge of honor. You win the gold prize if you are busier than every one around.
I once asked a… Continue reading
Taking in, taking on, adding to, bringing in new requires capacity. Capacity is defined as the maximum amount or number that can be contained or accommodated. It’s easy to forget that capacity plays into anything new we’re adding to our lives. When you’re already operating at capacity and you add something new, something has to give, there is no more room. Frustration and anxiety often follow, especially when we act as if there is limitless capacity. See the following thoughts related to capacity.
Thought 1: Physical objects. Unless you’re starting from scratch, any… Continue reading
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