
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals in the work place and those running their own business.

Moving Truck

MovingA great way to clear out, de-clutter and repair items around your work or around the house is to put yourself in a moving truck – you’re moving in your mind.  It’s a great way to see your surroundings in a whole different light.  Here’s my experience:

Experience 1:  Spruce it up.  Walk into your office and look around objectively.  What do you need to do to make it the most attractive, efficient workspace?  Same thing goes at home.  What would you need to do to prepare your home for sale?  If… Continue reading

Make Room

makeroomOur lives are filled with so many things.  These include our “stuff” at work and at home, our thoughts about what we’ve done, what we’re doing and what we want to do.  Being “busy” all the time.  Demands on our time – family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else you run into.  With lives so full, there is little room for anything new.  If you don’t make room, opportunities will pass you by.  Here are some thoughts about making room.

Thought 1:  Shelves, drawers and closets.  The universe loves to fill a void.… Continue reading


repairYou’ve started the process of clearing out the old unneeded and wanted “STUFF” that clutters up your desk, closets, drawers and shelves.  As you’re going through this process you may find some items in need of repair.  You may also find some relationships in need of repair.  Here are some thoughts about repairs.

Thought 1:  Can’t be fixed.  If you have a plate that has a chip, it can’t be fixed – throw it out – you will never use it.  This goes for anything that can’t be repaired, it’s taking up valuable space… Continue reading


clearMarch is a great time to start the process of clearing out the old to make room for the new.  The weather can be volatile with nice sunny days and cold rainy/snowy days.  Use those days you are not inclined to go outside to begin the process of clearing out some things that need to go to ready yourself for new opportunities that may come along.  Here are some tips that may help you.

Tip 1:  Workspace.  Walk into your workspace and take a good look.  Whatever you see is what is going on… Continue reading


This is a blog that ran in September of 2012.  It’s fitting to run it again at the end of a month that was devoted to developing yourself and developing your business.  I hope you’ll find it useful.

Does the very word scare you or energize you?  Do you run a small business and the competition is a bigger business?  Are you in an organization and competing for the next promotion?  Is competition a threat or a motivator?  Here are some thoughts about competition.

Thought one:  Limit your focus.  I’ve… Continue reading