
Look here for tips from my blog for individuals in the work place and those running their own business.

It’s Here

Stress is here!  Tis the season to be stressed.  The anticipation of all that needs to be done is enough to raise your blood pressure.  Here are some tips to play with during the next couple of months.  All you have to lose is that overwhelmed feeling – not bad!

The holidays come with a lot of baggage.  It’s a family time that may or may not be a positive experience.  There are magical expectations that started in childhood and remain with us all our lives.

Work can get busier around the holidays… Continue reading

It’s Coming!

“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire….”  News flash – the holidays are coming!  Yes it was just Halloween – next – Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas and National Fruitcake Day.  In addition to these joyous occasions – throw in year-end, budgeting, reporting on your goals, performance appraisals, holiday parties, your childrens’ holiday parties, decorating the house, shopping for food, presents, snacks, long lines, short tempers, weird relatives, saying yes, no or maybe – using “I’ll try” a little too often.  It adds up to one big stress ball – UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!

I’m devoting my blogs in November… Continue reading


Are you a troll or have you had an occasion to throw what I call a “troll bomb”?  In internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages on a blog or online news article with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

Taking this a step further, in the workplace a troll is someone who makes a comment, complaint or innuendo about someone else without going into detail or taking responsibility (we’ve all heard those people who say something and then quickly follow it by saying “don’t tell anyone I… Continue reading


If your eyes are transfixed to the past, you can’t become the person you need to become in the future. – MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane

How many times a day, week or month do you look at what’s happened in the past and allow it to cloud your future?  Maybe you didn’t get the promotion the last time so you don’t go for it the next time.  Perhaps your report got moth-balled so you don’t put the effort in again.  Your great idea got put aside so you don’t bring up another one.  Here are… Continue reading

I Choose

Do you ever get overwhelmed and feel like you don’t have control?  It can happen so quickly and easily.  Phones are ringing, texts are coming in, your calendar is full, crises seem to come from everywhere, and people come into your office and say – do you have a minute?

Try this experiment for one day.  Before you do anything, pause and say I choose to….  This may sound too simple or silly – I challenge you to do it!  You are training yourself to be in control.  Here’s what a typical day… Continue reading