You don’t have to say a word!
When you want to get a message across sometimes you don’t have to say a word. Body language makes up 55% of communication, 38% is your tone of voice and only 7% is words.
Think about the last time you prepared for a difficult conversation. How much time did you spend on crafting just the right words to say and how much time did you spend thinking about how you wanted to deliver the conversation? If you’re like me, I spent more time on the words – which I didn’t use anyway.
Here are some simple tips to come… Continue reading
Can’t we just all get along?

Picky Boss
“My boss is driving me crazy!” “He picks at everything I do!” “I can’t seem to do anything right in the eyes of my boss!”
Does any of those statements sound familiar? Are you saying those things? The number one reason people leave their jobs is their boss.
Before you head out the door, or worse – stay and become miserable, try the following steps. Be warned, many people feel really uncomfortable when they are talking to people in authority – which in this case is your boss. You may be pretty nervous,… Continue reading
Blah Blah Blah
Do you have any “talkers” in your life? You know what I mean, people who just keep talking and won’t let you get a word in? We’ve all got them, at work, at home, neighbors, friends, even people we run into at the grocery store! What do you do when you’ve got to actually communicate something? Check out these tips to see what might work:
Tip 1: Remember, when dealing with a talker it’s about them, not about you. They want to be heard and won’t be interested in what you have to… Continue reading
Thanksgiving Press Release
A dear friend sent out the following press release to her family a few years ago – it was liberating to her, so on this day of Thanksgiving I offer this to anyone exhausted during the holiday…. (the names have been changed) You may remember this from last year.
DATELINE BEACH PARK, IL – Sources close to the story have now confirmed that Mary Johnson, (a.k.a. “Auntie Mary”) this past Thursday announced her retirement from active Thanksgiving Dinner preparation after 30 years “on the job.” Johnson stated that though she “…loves hosting the Thanksgiving holiday,… Continue reading
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