

Swot isn’t just the sound when going after a fly (that sound is actually spelled swat).  A SWOT analysis is a helpful tool to assess your organization, department or even you as an individual.  It’s a good exercise to start the planning process for the short term or long term.  Go through the following exercise for your  business or yourself – you might be surprised what you come up with.

Instructions:  prepare the following analysis.  You may want to discuss this with others on your team.  Once you identify five areas under each… Continue reading


It makes a lot of sense to outsource certain tasks for you personally and professionally.  I’m amazed that many businesses and associations don’t take the time to perform due diligence on vendor services.  Someone’s brother-in-law provides technology, a friend of a friend uses a certain marketing firm, or you meet someone who provides cleaning services and seems nice so you sign up.  It can work out great and it can work out poorly.  You might get the best price or end up paying three times the going rate.  If you’re looking for a vendor, personally… Continue reading

Great Job Candidates Ask Great Questions

Currently I have several clients that are looking for new opportunities.  Most are looking around because they don’t like working for whom they are working.  When they do leave their jobs, most likely their supervisor will attribute their leaving to a multitude of other factors – completely leaving off the most important factor, how they managed.  Today’s blog is dedicated to those in search of the opportunity.  Inc. Online had an article about the 5 questions great job candidates ask.  I’ve doctored it up a bit, with my own spin.

Candidates many times ask questions… Continue reading

Quiet Please!

I recently read an article that appeared in Fast Company linking quietness and productivity.  I do believe there is a lot of validity to this and I would take it a step further.  Defining a person in a state of “being quiet” includes people who may not speak up much and sing their own praises.  I would add that it also includes people who don’t allow a lot of random thoughts and self talk to clutter up their minds.  In other words, your mind is open and your mouth is closed.  Following are some thoughts… Continue reading

Just say “No”

So many people I work with are super busy.  They are up at the crack of dawn looking at their email.  Work hard all day.  Take work home and have their weekends filled to the brim with activities.  Many of these over achievers share something in common.  They can’t seem to say “no” to anyone.  Here are some thoughts about saying “no”.

1.  You’re allowing someone else to set your agenda.  Achievers get things done and others know it.  They get asked to sit on committees, organize events and head up… Continue reading