
Present and Future

Have you ever thought that you could have been farther along in your career than you currently are?  Zen philosophy applies:  Stop agonizing about how this isn’t the way it should be, accept that this is the way it is, and put all of your energy into making it what you want it to be.

Simple words that aren’t always easy to put in place.  Work with some of these tips and see if you can shift some of your thinking.

Tip 1:  Get crystal clear about what you want.  You can’t change the… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 2

This is second in a series of blogs for those who want to start their own business.  If you’ve decided you’re committed, and not just interested, to starting your own business read on.

Question:  6 frogs sit on a lily pad, one decides to jump off – how many are left?

Answer:  6 frogs

So often people decide on something but forget or fail to take any action about it.  It’s important that you take action – no matter how small – toward your goal.  If you don’t take any action – physically – nothing… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 1

You may be thinking about starting your own business or perhaps you’ve already started?  An overwhelming task even just thinking about it!  So many moving parts.  Great ideas keep coming at you.  You want to get started, yet where to begin?

This is the first in a series of blogs to give you something to think about.  I’ll be posting these once a week for the next six weeks.

I want you to optimize the start.

The following tips will not guarantee your success – not putting these in place may lead to failure.

Step… Continue reading

Help me out!

Today you’re reading my seventy-fifth blog post, but who is counting?  Yahoo!  Thank you so much for reading.  I’m having a blast writing these tips and love the comments that you leave.

The subjects that I’ve covered so far have come from clients and participants in my workshops.  Some subjects I have just “guessed” that you might like to have tips on.

This blog isn’t about me, it’s about you and what you need to achieve what you want.

So here are some questions for you (to help me share tips on what is important to… Continue reading

It’s not fair!

My husband and I have had the opportunity to play golf around the world.  For the amount of time and money that we have spent, we should be much better.  Golf courses are in beautiful places and walking 18 holes is great exercise – like walking in a lovely park.  I’ve learned a lot about myself and lessons that apply to business.

See if any of these situations applies to you?

Lesson 1:  Even if you hit a great shot, the ball can go in a bunker (sand trap).  In your career you can do… Continue reading