Creative Focusing for Positive Change
Guest Blog By Jason Linett, Board Certified Hypnotist
Hypnosis is often defined as a “bypass of the critical faculties of the conscious mind.” This definition refers to our nature to think, feel, or respond to stimulus as an automatic response.
Consider the things you do throughout the day that don’t require conscious thought. Tasks such as walking, driving, or even tying your shoes have become activities which don’t require having to think about them. Your mind and body generalized the process, and it became automatic behavior within the subconscious mind.
…but what if you can… Continue reading
5 Rules to Rub Out Rude Writing
Guest Blog
By Eliza Dolin of Ivy Quill Communications
Savvy business professionals would never think of being impolite in conversations with their colleagues or customers. But all too often, they are unintentionally graceless and unpolished in how they present themselves in writing.
And in a world of innumerable emails, websites, Powerpoint presentations, and tweets, good business writing matters more than ever.
Whether you’re persuading, informing, educating, or instructing your target audience, effective writing evokes the reaction you want. It could be generating sales, increasing referrals, claiming a promotion or improving office morale. Regardless of your purpose in putting finger to… Continue reading
Gratitude Is a Slippery Skill … or Not
Guest Blog
By Dr. Kirk Mahoney
Gratitude is a slippery skill … or not. Here are five reasons for this dichotomy.
1. Gratitude is reciprocal … or not. People who are targets of gratitude often reciprocate, but gratitude is not necessarily reciprocal. For example, you may thank a client and not get any thanks in return. Remember, though, that gratitude often will be reciprocated eventually, just not necessarily from the original target of your gratitude.
2. Gratitude comes naturally … or not. Some people seem to have a natural skill for expressing gratitude, but it does not come naturally for… Continue reading
Challenging Styles?
If you are working with someone who has the same style and the same priorities you do, your communication will be clear and flawless. This doesn’t happen very often in my work life. I’ve got some tips I’ve been using that seem to work well.
Take a moment. When someone is using a completely different style of communication I can emotionally react to that style. I might get offended with someone being aggressive or impatient with someone else who is taking a long time to get to the point. Rather than react to their behavior, it’s more productive if… Continue reading
Get Out and Give Back – A Giving Guide
Guest Blog
By Jane Hess Collins
‘Tis the season for giving! Giving, whether through time, money or both, brings its own special joy through the connection it gives us with the rest of humanity and the knowledge that we have made our community stronger. Giving is always an investment, and this time of year the requests for giving are as plentiful as Christmas cards.
With so many nonprofits receiving less financial support from foundations or the government, they have stepped up their efforts to ask us to donate more of our dollars (or time, in some cases) with them, and… Continue reading
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