

When you go to a meeting do you always sit by the same people, in the same place?  What about when you attend an outside meeting or training session?  Do you pal around with people you know?

It’s natural to stay with familiar people in unfamiliar places.  Its easy to stay in the habit of sitting with the same people in the same place.  I started to do that in grade school!

Of course you’ve heard “if you keep doing the same thing you’ll get the same result.”

To move your career forward, you’ve got to… Continue reading

Self Promotion

When you look at that phrase “self promotion” what comes to mind?  Bragging?  Arrogant?  Something your mother told you not to do?

Facts are facts – if you’re not going to promote yourself, who is?  To get ahead in business, whether you’re in a corporate environment or own your own… Continue reading

Lessons from a champion!

I attended the Open Championship in July (the British golf tournament).  The winner was a forty-two year old man from Northern Ireland, Darren Clarke.  If you saw him on the street, or in a pub, you may not have picked him to be an elite athlete.  He had planned to start a weight watchers program right after the tournament – perhaps he has.

I heard an interview from his coach – Dr. Bob.  Dr. Bob explained that Darren has been a tremendous talent since he was 12 year old.  With this talent and experience for the last 30 years, he… Continue reading


Do you ever get interrupted when you’re trying to get something done?  Have you ever not been interrupted when you’ve tried to get something done?

I read a scary statistic the other day.  An office worker is productive, working on a task, activity or project, on average  1 ½ hours per 8 hour workday.   The rest of the time is spent on email, phone calls, meetings, chatting, looking for files, surfing the net, staring into space, going to the restroom, you name it.

Increasing your productivity is not that hard.  The last post had tips to help you with… Continue reading

Time Robbers

Email and Phone Calls

Email – this is a hard one for so many.  Are you addicted?

Tip 1:  Stop checking your e-mail every second.  It takes up enormous chunks of time.  This is a huge drain on energy and productivity.  Schedule when you’ll look at your email.  Perhaps it’s three times a day.  Turn off the “ding.”

Tip 2:  Here’s a tip that you may want to check with your boss first.  Use this tip if you are addicted to checking email and you are not required by your job to check as it comes in.  You… Continue reading