
If only my employees would…. (part 2)

Have you ever said that?  All you can affect is the environment that your employees work in.  That environment can encourage good work habits or allow bad work habits.  You get to decide.

Warning:  For any of these to work, you’ve got to apply them to everyone – consistently.

Here are some more tips you can use if your employees are:

Moody!  People who are highly emotional are tough to work with.  It’s a roller coaster ride for everyone around.  Allowing the drama only encourages more drama.  Not dealing with the drama sends a signal to all your staff… Continue reading

If only my employees would….

Have you ever said that?  Motivating your employees can be a tricky thing.  All you can affect is the environment that your employees work in.  That environment can encourage good work habits or allow bad work habits.  You get to decide.

If you haven’t read the post before this one, go back and read it, before you try any of these tips.

You can test these tips to see if you can encourage the good work habits.  Warning:  For any of these to work, you’ve got to apply them to everyone – consistently.

Here are some more tips you can… Continue reading

If only…

My employees were just like me!

Have you ever said that?  Are you a perfect employee?  Do you set the best example ever?

To be a good boss you have to be a good employee.  Each day and with each action you’re being judged.  If you were hiring someone to fulfill your duties – would you hire you?

For the most part, your employees are just like you, sometimes more than we’d like.  Here’s a few of the biggest complaints that I hear from supervisors and managers.

Late!  You can never be late, not even a little late if… Continue reading

Negative Attitudes

I surveyed a group of managers and supervisors recently to be ready for my first day of training with the group.  The question was:  “What is your single biggest frustration that you find at work?”  The most frequent answer was – negative attitudes at work.  

When you work with someone who has a negative attitude it’s a drag.  You don’t want to go anywhere near that person.  You may walk on egg shells because you don’t know what might come out of their mouth.  
Managers and supervisors can’t have a negative attitude.  You know how you feel… Continue reading

Busy, Busy, Busy

When you call someone do you ask if they are busy?  When someone calls and asks that question, how do you answer?

Being busy, for most, is a way of life.  In fact, many people can’t imagine not being busy.  I’ve even heard some people argue with each other about who is busier – it’s like a badge of honor.  You win the gold prize if you are busier than every one around. 

I once asked a co-worker what would happen if her to-do list was all done.  She said that she wouldn’t know who she was if that happened.… Continue reading