
Look here for tips from my blog for ways to grow your team to take your organization to the next level.

Traveling, Traveling, Traveling

I travel for work and for pleasure.  This holiday season I planned to fly to Minneapolis to meet my Mom traveling in from Fargo, so I could escort her back to our home in Virginia.  The best laid plans went a little berserk and I was reminded of this tip:  Use a travel delay as an opportunity to stop rather than get stressed. When the world stands still, let it.

Instead of flying in with a 2 hour layover, I ended up having 7 hours in the Minneapolis airport.  So the world has stood still for… Continue reading

Who is in your day?

Every day you encounter all sorts of people – people who are easy to get along with and others that are not.  Here are some tips for those difficult people that you might run into on a daily basis.

Clients.  Look at who you’re working with on a regular basis.  Which clients are you spending the most time with?  Unfortunately, many times you’re spending more time with your difficult clients than with those clients that are a joy to work with.  You might be putting up with clients because they are paying your bills. … Continue reading


December’s blogs are devoted to dealing with difficult people.  December can be a difficult month filled with expectations, pressure to get more done, and enough stress to fill a lifetime.  It seems to me I encounter more difficult people during December than any other month of the year.  It could be I notice more, have less patience or interact with more people during December.

From what I’ve learned, it starts with who I am in the moment.  Have you watched the Wizard of Oz lately?  If you remember, there’s Glenda, the good witch… Continue reading

Time Management(???)

Much has been written about time management – as if time is a “thing” or an object.  Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future.  Time is a unit of measurement.  You can’t expand or contract time, in fact you can’t manage time at all.  I know this sounds a little philosophical but bear with me.  When you believe that you need to manage time, you’re attempting to manage something apart from you which can be very stressful.

Replace time management with managing how… Continue reading


You’re kidding right?  How many books, seminars, articles, online programs promise to teach you to live a balanced life?  Somewhere, out there, someone has just enough home life, work life, me time, spouse time, volunteer time, mom/dad time – all rolled into one perfect life.  Do you really believe that?  Want a good deal on a bridge?

Get real – this is not something to strive for, waste time reading about or pay money to attend a seminar.  COLD HARD FACT:  There is no balance!  Before you delete this blog from your computer… Continue reading