
Look here for tips from my blog for ways to grow your team to take your organization to the next level.

The Three D’s

During really stressful times, such as the holidays, there are some things you can do to reduce your stress.  Keep in mind these three D’s to take back some control of your overwhelm!

Delay – Look through your list carefully.  For each item on the list ask yourself – What would happen if I didn’t do this right now?  If there is little or no consequence to not doing the task, put it at the bottom of the list.

When there is so much to do, prioritization goes out the window.  All items on the list… Continue reading

Extra Extra!

Rushing around is always stressful.  Rushing around when everyone else is also rushing can be overwhelming.  You’re not the only one with so much to get done during the holiday season.  Check out these tips to save you some stress.

Tip 1:  Add 15 to 30 minutes onto everything.  Look at your calendar and pad all your appointments to start 15 to 30 minutes earlier than planned.  If you normally allow 25 minutes to drive across town, allow 40 minutes.  When you end up early for meetings you can use that time to… Continue reading


Have you ever thought you’d be perfect for a job that you didn’t get?  Perhaps you’ve been disappointed that you are not getting what you wanted – promotion, new job, cool office.  I’ve had my share of disappointments throughout my career.  The advice I usually got, and that I told myself – “Everything happens for a reason.  Looking back on this a year from now will give you a different perspective.  What is meant to be, will be.  Time will heal all wounds.”

While all of these statements may be true, they didn’t make… Continue reading

Invest in Yourself!

The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing.  It takes constant expansion of knowledge if you want more out of your life.  Even to keep what you have, you need to keep sharp.  Doing what you’ve always done, thinking what you’ve always thought, hanging onto the status quo will cause you to fall behind and quickly puts you in the past.  Not exactly the key to success.

Here are some challenges for you:

Challenge 1:  Feel good.  Add up what you spend on vacations, hair cuts, nail care, gym membership, entertainment… Continue reading

Hodge Podge

Today’s blog has a few questions for you — I’m asking for your assistance.  Most importantly – THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG!  You may be one of many subscribers or see the blog on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.  I’m thrilled when someone comments directly or through one of the social media avenues.  I love when you take the time to re-tweet the message.  It encourages me to keep writing.  THANK YOU!

Hodge 1:  Calling for guest bloggers!  If you’ve been reading my blogs you know that I like to have guest… Continue reading