
Look here for tips from my blog for ways to grow your team to take your organization to the next level.

Star Performance!

starperformanceGreat leaders have developed the habits of star performance.  These work habits support high productivity and quality of work.  High productivity is not a mystery; it simply requires a commitment and the tools, training and resources to make it happen, naturally.  Check out these habits that you may have already embraced.

Habit 1:  100% current, no “inventory” of unfinished tasks.  It’s a matter of taking on those tasks and projects that you know you can actually finish.  Realistically assess what is reasonable to accomplish.  When you take on too much, you’re perceived as… Continue reading


EmployeeJune is devoted to being great at work – developing into a great leader.  Step one to being a great leader starts with being a wonderful employee.  Leaders model and inspire others with their actions.  Remember, every day you’re being interviewed by those around you.  How you act is a clear indication of the qualities you will display as a future leader.  Start now by patterning behavior that will serve you and those around you.  It’s easy to be a star employee, here are some reminders to get you started.

Reminder 1:  You… Continue reading

New Skills?

New SkillsWe can all improve on our skills, it’s necessary to get ahead at work.  Today’s business environment is constantly changing and competitive, being able to learn new skills is a key to success.  It’s not enough to be smart – you need to always be getting smarter.  You need to look for opportunities to stretch in ways that are not always comfortable at first.  That’s what continual improvement feels like.  Here are some tips as you embark on acquiring new skills.

Tip 1:  Are you ready?  Ask yourself if the skill is attainable.… Continue reading

New Look?

NewLookCreating new opportunities and new ideas can be as easy as changing your physical appearance.  Changing how you feel about yourself often translates into a new view of the world around you.  The fresh perspective can conjure up new ideas and can reveal new opportunities.  Following are some tips to help you get started.  Try one tip at a time, changing everything all at once rarely works in the long term.

Tip 1:  Start small – Look in the mirror.  How long has it been since you’ve changed your hairstyle?  Perhaps a different… Continue reading


NewRecently I was invited to a dear friends’ house for dinner.  Also joining us was a young couple and their three year old daughter (Trudy), who had recently moved into the neighborhood.  The three year old reminded me of some very important lessons I can apply to my business today.  Here are the lessons I took away from the experience.

Lesson 1:  “New” starts with shy.  Similar to the three year old, when I meet new people or find myself in a new situation I hold back a bit until I take stock of the… Continue reading