Over the last 20 years I’ve traveled a lot for business. I’ve also had the good fortune to travel for pleasure. I’ve always looked at travel as a good test of how a person handles life in general. Plans get changed, the unexpected happens, you’re not always in control of circumstances – how you deal with these illustrates so much. Travel has taught me some great lessons.
Lesson 1: Plans change. No matter how well you plan, adjustments always need to be made. It could be the weather isn’t cooperating, connections aren’t… Continue reading
Self Motivation
Every so often motivation wanes. It happens for many reasons. I might be bored with what I’m doing, I’ve mastered something and the excitement has worn off, perhaps I don’t have anything urgent going on and can’t seem to get started. The following tips help me start moving forward again.
Tip 1: List. I put together a “to-do” list in order of priority. There always seems to be things that need to get done. I don’t think about what I have to do, I just start with the first item on the… Continue reading
Tip into confidence some more!
Did you try any of the tips from the last blog? What worked for you? I’ve got some more tips for you to check out. I’ll pick it up where I left off.
Tip 6: What’s the worst that can happen? Think about it – what’s the very worst that can happen? Take a piece of paper and make three columns. In the middle column list all the stuff that you’ve thought about – every single one. When you’re done with that go to the top of the list and in the… Continue reading
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