
Look here for tips from my blog for organizations looking for skills for their staff and management.

Personal Board of Directors

PersonalBoDMost companies have a Board of Directors.  Boards serve many purposes.  They are overseers, ensuring the company is operating legally and ethically.  They are accountability managers, seeing that the company sets goals, has a budget and is meeting the goals and budgets.  They are advisors offering management expertise and guidance in all aspects of the organization.  They are ambassadors, promoting the company in the market place.  What if you had your own personal board of directors?  Here are some steps on how to create this.

Step 1:  Think about what you are… Continue reading

Do unto others – equally

Do unto othersRecently I had an experience with a fellow volunteer of a community organization.  He heads a committee from which I asked for resolution of a matter.  We had a good discussion and he said he would get back to me within the week.  Time past and I ran into him at a networking event about five weeks later.  He said he had some medical issues and was just returning to work.  It took another four weeks to call me with the resolution.  This individual is a banker and I doubt he allowed nine weeks… Continue reading

Surround Yourself

SurroundYourselfLook around and identify the five adults you spend the most time with.  Think about what’s most important to them (their values), their level of success, what interests them, their energy level and anything else that comes to mind.  You are the average in all areas of the five adults you spend the most time with.  We naturally emulate those that are around us.  Here are some ideas about what to do with this information.

Idea 1:  Nothing.  After your review of who is around, you may be happy with what you see and… Continue reading

Best Friend

BestFriendThis month is devoted to relationships.  Business, your career and life are built on relationships with others.  Relationships start with how you feel about you – how you treat yourself.  If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I play golf.  One of my golfing partners said something that has stuck by me – “I would never speak to someone else and say the things I say to myself on the golf course.”  Golf can be a frustrating game.  Here is what she was referring to:

Golf tip one:  The… Continue reading

Starting New

Starting NewSpring is a great time to start something new.  When you’ve completed your Spring cleaning, de-cluttering your life of stuff and of those projects/tasks that you don’t want to do any more, you’ll have the time to start something new.  New habits, projects, or learning something new can be invigorating and motivating.  Many times it sparks an energy and passion to spice up your life.  Here are some ideas about bringing something new into your life.

Idea 1:  Start small.  Whatever you’re incorporating into your life, start small.  If you’d like to learn… Continue reading