
Look here for tips from my blog for organizations looking for skills for their staff and management.


attractionThis month has been devoted to cleaning things out, de-cluttering your life and making space.  With all your new space, both physical and mental, new opportunities will start to show up.  You may have heard the phrase “The universe loves to fill a void!”  Here are some ideas to keep in mind as that happens.

Idea 1:  Requests.  With extra time on your hands, people will start asking you to do things – volunteer, walk their dog, complete their projects.  Be picky about what you agree to do.  Just because you have extra… Continue reading


RelocateMy mother had come to visit my husband and me during the holidays.  About two weeks after she returned to Fargo, ND she called and asked if she could move to be closer to us in Virginia.  This week she arrived, relocating 1,355 miles at 88 years young.  We are all thrilled!  She has a new perspective and a new outlook.  So excited about new friends to be made, experiences to be had and life to be lived.

You don’t have to move 1,355 miles to get a new perspective or ignite your creativity. … Continue reading

Outside View

outsideviewA great way to develop your work skills is to enlist the support of others.  Who among your friends, co-workers or family members are particularly neat and organized?  Is there someone you know that keeps their office the way you would like to?  Who among your colleagues has a particular work habit that is helping their career?  Enlist the support of others who you admire.  Here are some tips on how to proceed:

Tip 1:  Partner.  When you find that person you’d like to emulate, think about what you might offer them. … Continue reading

Moving Truck

MovingA great way to clear out, de-clutter and repair items around your work or around the house is to put yourself in a moving truck – you’re moving in your mind.  It’s a great way to see your surroundings in a whole different light.  Here’s my experience:

Experience 1:  Spruce it up.  Walk into your office and look around objectively.  What do you need to do to make it the most attractive, efficient workspace?  Same thing goes at home.  What would you need to do to prepare your home for sale?  If… Continue reading

Make Room

makeroomOur lives are filled with so many things.  These include our “stuff” at work and at home, our thoughts about what we’ve done, what we’re doing and what we want to do.  Being “busy” all the time.  Demands on our time – family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else you run into.  With lives so full, there is little room for anything new.  If you don’t make room, opportunities will pass you by.  Here are some thoughts about making room.

Thought 1:  Shelves, drawers and closets.  The universe loves to fill a void.… Continue reading