
Look here for tips from my blog for organizations who want to strengthen their teams.

Who’s in charge?

I was just working with a client who was having trouble moving projects along, meeting deadlines, last minute changes, you know the drill.  Working with their team it became clear that there was some finger pointing going on.

They missed the first step in project management, no one had been assigned as the project leader.  There were leaders in many aspects of the project, but no one assigned to own the whole process.

Here are a tip and responsibilities for project leaders to ensure your success.

Tip:  Formal authority.  When you’re assigned to head… Continue reading

Anchors Away! (Part 2 of 2)

Last week I wrote about one of two clients who shared a similar experience – letting go of an anchor that was keeping them tied down.  The result has surprised them both.  Anchors in our lives can keep us grounded and can provide a sense of permanence.  Anchors can also weigh us down and hold us back.

Here’s what happened:

Anchor 2.  Marsha developed a friendship with her manicurist, Sally.  During her monthly manicure they would talk and have a good time.  Soon they were sharing personal information as friends often do.  The… Continue reading


At the beginning of the year I make all sorts of plans and set all sorts of goals.  When the plans are made I’m enthusiastic about the months ahead.  However, I don’t always take action and it made me wonder why.

People at the top of every profession share one quality – they get things done.  This quality can catapult success and advancement faster than anything else.  This is such a simple idea, however not many people have taken it to heart.  There is an endless number of reasons – something else came up, I’m… Continue reading

Present and Future

Have you ever thought that you could have been farther along in your career than you currently are?  Zen philosophy applies:  Stop agonizing about how this isn’t the way it should be, accept that this is the way it is, and put all of your energy into making it what you want it to be.

Simple words that aren’t always easy to put in place.  Work with some of these tips and see if you can shift some of your thinking.

Tip 1:  Get crystal clear about what you want.  You can’t change the… Continue reading

Develop Your Peeps!

The beginning of the year is a great time to think about what’s next for you, your career and your staff.  The number one reason employees look for another job is prompted by their bad manager.  Employees stay – where and when they feel valued.  One of the easiest ways to value an employee is to encourage and support their development.  Here are some tips for you to use to develop your employees (or yourself):

Tip 1:  It’s about them, not you.  You may enjoy taking classes, looking for new responsibilities, having new experiences… Continue reading