Develop Your Peeps!
The beginning of the year is a great time to think about what’s next for you, your career and your staff. The number one reason employees look for another job is prompted by their bad manager. Employees stay – where and when they feel valued. One of the easiest ways to value an employee is to encourage and support their development. Here are some tips for you to use to develop your employees (or yourself):
Tip 1: It’s about them, not you. You may enjoy taking classes, looking for new responsibilities, having new experiences or heading up projects. You… Continue reading
New Skills?
We can all improve on our skills, it’s necessary to get ahead at work. Today’s business environment is constantly changing and competitive, being able to learn new skills is a key to success. It’s not enough to be smart – you need to always be getting smarter. You need to look for opportunities to stretch in ways that are not always comfortable at first. That’s what continual improvement feels like. Here are some tips as you embark on acquiring new skills.
Tip 1: Are you ready? Ask yourself if the skill is attainable.… Continue reading
New Opportunities?
Whether you are looking for a new opportunity at home, work or in your business, there are some basics that can be applied to most situations. You may find them a bit simplistic, but they really do work. Work on these one step at a time and see what your outcome is.
Step 1: Believe you can find a new opportunity. If you’re walking around thinking to yourself, I will never find a new job or new business opportunity – you won’t. Your self talk has a profound effect on creating an outcome. Create… Continue reading
Surround Yourself
Look around and identify the five adults you spend the most time with. Think about what’s most important to them (their values), their level of success, what interests them, their energy level and anything else that comes to mind. You are the average in all areas of the five adults you spend the most time with. We naturally emulate those that are around us. Here are some ideas about what to do with this information.
Idea 1: Nothing. After your review of who is around, you may be happy with what you see and… Continue reading
Planting Seeds
Whether you are an individual looking for your next career move, a sole proprietor expanding your business, a business manager seeking new markets or a CEO reaching out for new opportunities, the key to development is planting seeds. The days of the “hard sell” are behind us. People are inundated with marketing messages. Planting seeds is a gentle way of marketing and making your services known to others. Here are some tips to creating a growing market. Some seeds will sprout, others may not – you won’t always know the impact that you might have… Continue reading
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