
Play your own game!

PlayyourowngameI had the opportunity to attend a five day golf camp at the end of May.  I learned many things during the instruction time.  One major lesson that I learned was to play your own game.  It’s an analogy that can be applied to your career as well.  Following are some thoughts:

Thought 1:  What others are doing.  When you play golf it’s easy to watch those who you are playing with and try to emulate their strokes, whether you have the same skill or not.  What happens more times than I’d like,… Continue reading

Shiny Pennies

Shiny PenniesFollowing is a blog worth repeating – especially interesting as we come to the end of January and we’ve been talking about setting goals and getting things done all month.  Hope this helps keep you moving forward with what you want to achieve!

Some days I can spend my whole day picking up shiny… Continue reading

Are we there yet?

It seems that many articles and books are only about the future and don’t talk about right now.  They discuss setting goals, what we’re going to do, and day dream about what life will be when we’ve got IT – whatever your IT is.  It’s so easy to fall into the habit of living in what life “will be like” that it’s hard to see what life actually is.

I challenge you to take some time and write down what your life is like because YOU ARE THERE NOW – yes indeed.  Here’s what I came up… Continue reading


Successful people have energy.  They’ve found the key to increasing their energy levels and are able to sustain them even during difficult times.  Have you ever met someone who is wonderfully successful and has low energy?  Increasing your energy starts with eliminating those areas of your life that are energy drains.  Following are some tips on where those energy drains might be hiding and some ideas on how to eliminate them.

Drain 1:  Tolerations.  These may be small things that you’re putting up with such as those tasks you constantly say to yourself “I… Continue reading

Will I meet my goals?

Do you ever ask yourself that?  I can’t answer that question for you.  I can offer some tips about goals that may help you in this quest.

Tip 1:  Whose goal is it?  The more you can internalize goals that are set for you through your organization, the more likely you’ll meet them.  When you don’t believe in the goal, whether it’s not something you want to do or you don’t see the value in it, you’ve given up before you’ve started and you will fail or fall short.  As with so many things,… Continue reading