
Exceptional Performance

Exceptional performance is not a one time event.  It is something to work on and add to every day.  Perhaps that sounds exhausting?  Too much work?

It’s really very easy.  You’re performing anyway, so why not make it exceptional?  Here’s the challenge, pick one of the following each week to be exceptional.  Don’t forget to let your boss know.

Quality of WorkPolish your apple!  Your work demonstrates attention to specific directions; is accurate, thorough, and presentable; and is concise and timely.

Initiative and CreativityExpand your thoughts.  You are aware of what needs to be… Continue reading

Exceptional Performance

Exceptional performance is not a one time event.  It is something to work on and add to every day.  Perhaps that sounds exhausting?  Too much work?

It’s really very easy.  You’re performing anyway, so why not make it exceptional?  Here’s the challenge, pick one of the following each week to be exceptional.  Don’t forget to let your boss know.

Quality of WorkPolish your apple!  Your work demonstrates attention to specific directions; is accurate, thorough, and presentable; and is concise and timely.

Initiative and CreativityExpand your thoughts.  You are… Continue reading