
New Opportunities?

OpportuntiesWhether you are looking for a new opportunity at home, work or in your business, there are some basics that can be applied to most situations.  You may find them a bit simplistic, but they really do work.  Work on these one step at a time and see what your outcome is.

Step 1:  Believe you can find a new opportunity.  If you’re walking around thinking to yourself, I will never find a new job or new business opportunity – you won’t.  Your self talk has a profound effect on creating an outcome.  Create… Continue reading


Swot isn’t just the sound when going after a fly (that sound is actually spelled swat).  A SWOT analysis is a helpful tool to assess your organization, department or even you as an individual.  It’s a good exercise to start the planning process for the short term or long term.  Go through the following exercise for your  business or yourself – you might be surprised what you come up with.

Instructions:  prepare the following analysis.  You may want to discuss this with others on your team.  Once you identify five areas under each… Continue reading