
Dam the paper!

If you’re drowning with paper see the blog post just before this one.  Once you’ve caught up on your backlog of paper and sticky notes you’ll want to use some of the following tips to keep on top of what comes into your office. 

Special note:  These are habits to develop.  Anytime you want to create a new habit, you’ve got to work at it consciously for a period of time before it becomes automatic.

Step 1 – Look at the sources of your paper.

Mail coming in – your in-box (paper from others) – notes from meetings –… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 6

This is sixth in a series of blogs for those who want to start their own business.  By now you’re committed, you know what your financial situation is, you’ve started your savings cushion, you’ve proven that your business is feasible and you’ve got an idea on how you will spend your time.  Congratulations!

Step 7:  Answer these questions:  Do you have organization systems set in place to support you?  Have you thought about keeping things rolling?  Do you have automatic systems and a rhythm to ensure you’re not going to have an avalanche of… Continue reading

Energy Drain

Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day?  Middle of the day?  Beginning of the day?  Read the blog post before this one if you feel like a ping pong ball.  Getting that game under control is a great step to shoring up some drains.

Here are some additional drains that can be turned into boosts.

To do list:  Super way to stay organized!  Remember to just have one (one life, one list).  When you complete something on your list and you cross it off – your list can become overwhelming… Continue reading

One word – Organize!

I’ve heard from a few clients recently “THIS IS THE YEAR I’M GOING TO GET ORGANIZED”.  Organized is an appealing word to many and can be hard to implement.  “Being”organized starts as any “being-ness” – it is based on habit.  Following are some tips to “being” organized.

Disclaimer – only introduce one tip at a time.  When you’ve mastered that tip, pick another tip.  You don’t have to go in order.  Pick the easiest tip to implement or the one that will make the most impact on your life.

Tip 1:  One calendar.… Continue reading

Dam the paper!

If you’re drowning with paper see the blog post just before this one.  Once you’ve caught up on your backlog of paper and sticky notes you’ll want to use some of the following tips to keep on top of what comes into your office. 

Special note:  These are habits to develop.  Anytime you want to create a new habit, you’ve got to work at it consciously for a period of time before it becomes automatic.

Step 1 – Look at the sources of your paper.

Mail coming in – your in-box (paper from others) –… Continue reading