
Do I have to?

I read a statistic the other day – 57% of men have negotiated their salary – contrast that with 7% of women.  Some of my clients find the art of negotiation a very confusing subject.  They don’t know where to begin.  Following are some tips to the negotiation process.  See what might work for you.

1. The Mars/Venus relationship needs to be top of mind in business negotiations.  Communication styles between men and women are different and as a result, negotiations can be complex. Keep your communication style direct by sharing plans, not concepts. Think collaboration not confrontation.

2. Use… Continue reading

From Manager to Leader #1

ManagerLeader1Leadership skills can be developed at any stage in your career.  Some people naturally possess these skills, others do not.  The good news is you can practice these skills and become good at them without the title or the money that comes with the title.  Acquiring these skills can also prepare you for your next promotion, they will get you noticed.  Following are some shifts to make when you’re aspiring to be a leader.

Shift 1:  Income to Value.  A manager wants to increase his/her income, a leader wants to increase his/her value. … Continue reading

New Skills?

New SkillsWe can all improve on our skills, it’s necessary to get ahead at work.  Today’s business environment is constantly changing and competitive, being able to learn new skills is a key to success.  It’s not enough to be smart – you need to always be getting smarter.  You need to look for opportunities to stretch in ways that are not always comfortable at first.  That’s what continual improvement feels like.  Here are some tips as you embark on acquiring new skills.

Tip 1:  Are you ready?  Ask yourself if the skill is attainable.… Continue reading

Your Market

CurrentMarketThere are several ways to grow your self and your business.  I’ve seen both individuals and businesses exploring new markets (or companies) outside of where they are currently operating.  Oftentimes, the business has yet to saturate the market they are currently in or, in the case of the individual, they are not exploring opportunities that reside within their current company.  Before developing a completely new market, consider the following tips to continue on your business development journey.

Tip 1:  Current products/services.  Unless you’ve been in the market a long time, most likely there are those… Continue reading


Have you ever thought you’d be perfect for a job that you didn’t get?  Perhaps you’ve been disappointed that you are not getting what you wanted – promotion, new job, cool office.  I’ve had my share of disappointments throughout my career.  The advice I usually got, and that I told myself – “Everything happens for a reason.  Looking back on this a year from now will give you a different perspective.  What is meant to be, will be.  Time will heal all wounds.”

While all of these statements may be true, they didn’t make… Continue reading