Social media


Profit is simply the surplus of something after taking out the cost.  Classically profit is defined through numbers or more specifically money.  You can also apply the concept to many areas of your life.  It can help with the choices you make.  Here are some areas where you might want to consider the profit involved.

Relationships:  Profitable relationships have some benefit to them.  The cost to you is the time, energy and emotion you put into the relationship.  The profit are the positives that come from that relationship which range from great memories… Continue reading

What’s best?

Figuring out the most effective form of communication can be challenging.  There are so many ways we can communicate these days.  Not only are there the old fashioned ways – face to face, phone, email.  There is also texting.  Add to that all the social networks which are forms of communication.  Following is what I use and how I use each method.  I know I don’t take advantage of everything that’s out there and frankly I’ve chosen to stop with what I use right now.

Face to face:  Best form to strengthen relationships.… Continue reading