Time Management

Drowning in paper!

I received the following email message from a dear friend and client as she was about to go on vacation.  I had just visited her office and saw paper everywhere.  I felt chaotic just walking in, I couldn’t imagine being there every day.

Here’s what she wroteYou are so right!  I am drowning in little bits of paper.  Thank you for your offer to help out!  I'm ready anytime. 

I am leaving for the beach Saturday morning, but even if you had some time today or tomorrow to give me a few tips that would be great. … Continue reading


InterruptionsDo you ever get interrupted when you’re trying to get something done?  Have you ever not been interrupted when you’ve tried to get something done?

I read a scary statistic the other day.  An office worker is productive, working on a task, activity or project, on average  1 ½ hours per 8 hour workday.   The rest of the time is spent on email, phone calls, meetings, chatting, looking for files, surfing the net, staring into space, going to the restroom, you name it.

Increasing your productivity is not that hard.  The last post had tips to help you with… Continue reading

Time Robbers

Phone EmailEmail and Phone Calls

Email – this is a hard one for so many.  Are you addicted?

Tip 1:  Stop checking your e-mail every second.  It takes up enormous chunks of time.  This is a huge drain on energy and productivity.  Schedule when you’ll look at your email.  Perhaps it’s three times a day.  Turn off the “ding.”

Tip 2:  Here’s a tip that you may want to check with your boss first.  Use this tip if you are addicted to checking email and you are not required by your job to check as it comes in.  You… Continue reading

Busy, Busy, Busy

Busy, Busy, Busy

This post originally ran in July 2011.  Heading into the summer I thought you might find it useful.

When you call someone do you ask if they are busy?  When someone calls and asks that question, how do you answer?

Being busy, for most, is a way of life.  In fact, many people can’t imagine not being busy.  I’ve even heard some people argue with each other about who is busier – it’s like a badge of honor.  You win the gold prize if you are busier than every one around.

I once asked a… Continue reading

Shiny Pennies

Shiny PenniesFollowing is a blog worth repeating – especially interesting as we come to the end of January and we’ve been talking about setting goals and getting things done all month.  Hope this helps keep you moving forward with what you want to achieve!

Some days I can spend my whole day picking up shiny… Continue reading