More income – different friends?
“There’s an economic theory out there that if you take the incomes of your five closest friends and average them, the resulting number will be pretty close to your own income.”
I stumbled across this quote reading a book the other day. It makes a lot of sense. There is a certain element of economics that figures into our activities and hobbies. How and where we spend our time is often the source of our friends. We enjoy spending time with people who are similar to us.
Many of our ideas, thoughts and motivations can be inspired by our friends. Hanging around with negative people can cloud the view of the future. High achievers show us that anything can be accomplished.
When you’re evolving, trying new things, learning and stretching, old friends can hold you back. It’s not that they don’t want the best for you. Most of the time, it stems from their reflection on themselves. If you become, bigger, better, brighter – what does that mean for them if they choose not to stretch themselves.
If your plan for 2014 is to increase your income, consider adding some new friends to your mix. You never know where your next job, million dollar idea or new business opportunity may come from. Most likely it may not come from those you’ve had around you during the last ten years.
What do you think? Have you had this experience? Do you believe this?
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