New Opportunities?

OpportuntiesWhether you are looking for a new opportunity at home, work or in your business, there are some basics that can be applied to most situations.  You may find them a bit simplistic, but they really do work.  Work on these one step at a time and see what your outcome is.

Step 1:  Believe you can find a new opportunity.  If you’re walking around thinking to yourself, I will never find a new job or new business opportunity – you won’t.  Your self talk has a profound effect on creating an outcome.  Create a mindset of “newness”.  Use this experiment – every day look for and write down five new things that you notice.  These new things could be physical or a new thought or idea.  Challenge yourself to create the habit of finding and noticing what is new.

Step 2:  Find the right support.  Surround yourself with people who hold a positive belief in your finding new opportunities.  The number one requirement is they believe in you and your abilities.  These people can be your sounding board and help keep you on track.  Reach out and build your cheerleading team.

Step 3:  Listen to your intuition.  Seeking new opportunities is not about doing what others want you to do, it’s about doing what you want to do.  You know what is best for you and what feels right.  Trying new things and taking on new opportunities can be scary, don’t let your nerves stop you from getting what you want.  Ask yourself what you really want and listen for the answer – this is the voice of your inner wisdom and will always lead you in the right direction.

Step 4:  Why do you want a new opportunity?  I’ve seen people bounce from one job to another job without understanding the “why”.  It may be that the individual needed to work on their own skills and performance to grow into a great employee.  In some cases the individual was taking on jobs others thought they should.  In other cases they were in a profession they didn’t really like – so they wouldn’t be happy in any company.  Understanding the “why” can help you focus on the right opportunities for you.

Step 5:  Write your plan.  Think about what you need to do to find a new opportunity.  Your action plan should be as specific as possible.  Take one action, no matter how small, each day to move forward with your plan.  Watch for internal excuses. “I don’t have time today” “I’ll do twice as much tomorrow”, etc.  You can derail your entire plan very quickly by allowing yourself to procrastinate.

Step 6:  Surrender attachment to outcomes.  Once you’ve adopted a positive attitude, found the right support, tapped into your intuition, know why you want a new opportunity and created a plan, what if opportunity doesn’t come knocking?  Are you doing something wrong?  Absolutely not.  Some opportunities come right away while others take longer.  You’ve put everything in place for a positive outcome, trust yourself that it will happen.

Do you have any tips about creating new opportunities?  What has worked for you in the past?  Leave your comments below.

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2 Responses to New Opportunities?

  • I love these steps, Holly! These resonate with anyone who is attempting to run his or her first marathon or other endurance race.

    I would add a step 7: Try a second time.

    This comes from advice I read recently. If you try something — such as going for a run with group training program — once and don’t like it or don’t believe that you are up to the challenge, then try it AT LEAST a second time before changing your mind.

    First starts are often rough, so expect that you may have to make a second start with anything new that you try.


    • Holly says:

      Kirk – Step 7 is a great one! It’s easy to give up when you only try something once – a second time – or even third may be the charm. Thanks for you comments! Holly

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